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Taking the Temperature Report Launch - 7 July, 2020

7 July, 2020 | 2.00 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. | Report Launch and Discussion


TAKING THE TEMPERATURE: IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON INDIA's CREATIVE ECONOMY | Report 1 In response to the COVID-19 pandemic the Art X Company in partnership with British Council India and FICCI launched the Taking the Temperature survey. 

The survey aimed at tracking the impact of COVID-19 on the creative sector in India, gathering responses from creative professionals, arts companies, sector support organisations, policy-makers and funders.

Based on the survey, we launched Taking the Temperature Report (first edition) which includes key findings, case studies of resilience and innovations in action across the creative sector, and recommends measures to support the sector in the current situation.

This first edition of the report provides a snapshot of the situation in India since COVID-19 and the lockdown in late March 2020 to June 2020; the data received cuts across sectors and represents further diversity in terms of its geographical representation with 67% of the respondents being present on a national scale.

The survey has sought to understand the immediate impact on artists livelihoods, arts organisations and their audiences, strategic response by governments, NGO’s and major stakeholders to ensure the sector survives, recovers, sustains and grows.

The Report was launched on the 7 July during a digital event. Barbara Wickham, Director, British Council India welcomed the audience as Jonathan Kennedy, Director, British Council Arts India presented the finds of the report. This was followed by a discussion with Rashmi Dhanwani, Founder, The Art X Company and Sanjoy Roy, Co-Chair, FICCI, Art & Culture Committee on aspects ranging from cultural policy and the self-organisation of the sector. They also discussed examples of countries which have supported their cultural economy through this crisis. The discussion was moderated by Pragya Tiwari, Regional Director, Flint Culture.

Link to watch the discussion: click here To download the report: click here

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