23 July, 2020 | 4:00 - 5:30 PM | Workshop _________________________________________________________________________________ Presented by Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai in collaboration with Arts and Culture Resources India (ACRI)
In association with its head office in Munich, Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Mumbai is initiating a two-year project (2020-21) on “Cultural Management in the Digital Age”. It will also include contributions from Goethe Instituts Minsk and Shanghai.
The project aims to build on existing work done by Goethe-Institut on training for cultural managers and develop cultural management expertise. It will involve setting up a curriculum for a summer school with a focus on Cultural Management in the Digital Age. Based on the findings of the summer school, a relevant publication will be produced as part of a book sprint and made available as an Open Educational Resource (OER).
The event organised in partnership with ACRI on July 23, 2020 was part of the first leg of the project. ACRI invited cultural professionals in India currently dealing with adapting, managing and promoting projects, and performances online. The participants discussed the struggle to find a balance between analogue and digital or offline and online.
The session explored three core themes around managing culture digitally - collaboration, making and production; and data and privacy and digital opportunities.

Facilitated by a curated Advisory Council, advisory council members Nishant Shah, Padmini Ray Murray and Prof. Venkatesh Rajamanickam, along with Rashmi Dhanwani and Akshay Roongta, the participants were divided in groups to discuss the core themes in detail.
The participants - young arts professionals and cultural managers in the country - brought forward a diverse set of insights from their experiences in the sector. They spoke about the set of challenges they face today, from production and planning projects remotely to privacy and ethical concerns while engaging with data.

The learnings from this workshop will aid the development of the curriculum and digital training materials for the cultural management programme.
We also got a graphic scribe to illustrate the session!

Read more about the project here.